Conneaut Lake Area Business Association (CLABA)Join CLABA and get your free business listing on our website!
Become a CLABA Member
As a member of CLABA, your business is entitled to a free listing right here on our website. Many new and even longtime members may not be aware of this. If you already have a website it can be linked to from your listing and businesses without websites will get a presence on the internet right here.
To join CLABA select the appropriate membership below. Membership period runs from Jan. 1 thru Dec. 31 of each year.
New and Renewal Membership
Existing or Upgrades
- 0-1 employee 25.00
- 2 or more employees 50.00
Local Directory Changes
Submit Changes to your existing Ad- Use this link, if you wish to make changes to an existing ad at a time other than renewal time. If you are renewing and want changes to your ad, use the New or Renew Membership button on the left.